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Long-Distance Moving

When it comes to long-dis­tance mov­ing, you’ve come to the right place. Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group is among the most pres­ti­gious mov­ing com­pa­nies in the coun­try. We receive the high­est qual­i­ty awards, annu­al­ly, from Atlas® Van Lines and oth­er relo­ca­tion com­pa­nies. We’re reg­u­lar­ly award­ed with the high­est hon­ors by the largest com­pa­nies in the world for “Plat­inum Qual­i­ty” ser­vice. And, we’re cer­ti­fied as an AMSA Pro­Mover, the high­est des­ig­na­tion giv­en by the Amer­i­can Mov­ing and Stor­age Association.

Pow­ell can pro­vide a full ser­vice move which includes full pack­ing, load­ing, trans­porta­tion, unload­ing and unpack­ing, or we can cus­tomize our move ser­vices to accom­mo­date your bud­get or lump sum if need­ed. We com­pete with any rep­utable mov­ing com­pa­ny, and because we uti­lize large semi’s and small trucks, we can reduce your cost by pig­gy back­ing your move with oth­er fam­i­lies mov­ing the same direc­tion to reduce cost.

As an Agent for Atlas, we can move you to any­where, from every­where. When you move across state lines, you are mov­ing with two com­pa­nies – Pow­ell and Atlas® – two of the world’s most trust­ed names in moving.

Services we can provide to improve your customer experience.

  • Packing

    Full pack­ing and unpack­ing, par­tial pack­ing and unpack­ing or you pack every­thing. We can pro­vide free pack­ing sup­plies and instruc­tions how to pack when sup­plies are available.

  • Specialty items

    We can make arrange­ments for any items which might need spe­cial ser­vic­ing or mov­ing such as major appli­ances, water lines, gas lines, gym equip­ment, swing sets, pool tables, antiques, pianos, fine art, auto­mo­bile tran­sit, heavy gun safes, hot tubs etc.

  • Storage

    Short-term and long-term house­hold goods cli­mate con­trolled storage.

  • White Glove and maid service

    We can pro­vide a com­plete unpack and put away ser­vice includ­ing clean­ing if required.

  • Free, Virtual or In-Home Estimation Options

  • Property Protection at No Charge

  • SimpliCity™

    Small ship­ment program

  • In-House Claims Management

Ready to get moving?

or call us at 800–444-6430 to get started

Areas Served

illinois / indiana

Auro­ra, IL
Buf­fa­lo Grove, IL
Cham­paign, IL
Chica­go, IL
Edwardsville, IL
Elburn, IL
Elgin, IL
Evanston, IL
Gene­va, IL
Indi­anapo­lis, IN
Joli­et, IL
Mahomet, IL
Naperville, IL
Niles, IL
Peo­ria, IL
Rock­ford, IL
South Bend, IN
Spring­field, IL

West Virginia, Ohio Kentucky Tri-state

Ash­land, KY
Athens, OH
Charleston, WV
Chill­i­cothe, OH
Cincin­nati, OH
Colum­bus, OH
Hunt­ing­ton, WV
Iron­ton, OH
Ken­o­va, WV
Mar­tin, KY
Mor­gan­town, WV
Park­ers­burg, WV
Portsmouth, OH
Saint Albans, WV
South Charleston, WV
Tole­do, OH