
Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion is part of the sup­ply chain of the world’s largest orga­ni­za­tions. Whether it’s a one-time deliv­ery of a sen­si­tive piece of equip­ment, or a timed deliv­ery of fix­tures and sup­plies across the coun­try, Pow­ell logis­tics cus­tomers count on us for our reach, our atten­tion to project details, and our care­ful trans­porta­tion and deliv­ery. Our crews work with­in a large radius of our three U.S. loca­tions every day. Our access to Atlas® and Atlas Logis­tics means our Atlas-approved net­works stretch to thou­sands of trans­porters and mil­lions of square feet of ware­house space around the globe.

Transport Logistics

For ground trans­port, we’re espe­cial­ly com­pet­i­tive for truck­load and LTL ship­ments, because we have the unique abil­i­ty to use our own Pow­ell fleet, the Atlas® fleet or a bro­kered fleet. We can flex and assign the right assets to your par­tic­u­lar ship­ment or project. Man­ag­ing our own fleet makes us par­tic­u­lar­ly good at han­dling time-sen­si­tive inbound and out­bound ship­ments or after-hours deliv­er­ies. Con­tact us now about Trans­port Logis­tics.

Final Mile, White Glove

Our spe­cial­ized crews, equip­ment and com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty trans­porta­tion makes Pow­ell a favorite sup­pli­er for time-sen­si­tive ship­ments, includ­ing final-mile white glove deliv­ery with inside place­ment and lite instal­la­tion. Whether it’s one item requir­ing spe­cial care and tim­ing, or an entire pro­gram requir­ing timed roll­outs across the coun­try, Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group is the high-qual­i­ty and reli­able choice. Con­tact us about Final-Mile deliv­ery.

Retail Store Fixture

For retail store fix­tures, Pow­ell works with the entire sup­ply chain: man­u­fac­tur­ers, ware­hous­es, dis­trib­u­tors and retail­ers. We can ware­house the fix­tures near instal­la­tion sites until the time is right, and meet deliv­ery win­dows sched­uled around roll­outs or con­struc­tion sched­ules. Our crews also han­dle after-hours deliv­ery, inside place­ment, lite set-up and debris removal. Tell us the details of your Store Fix­tures project.

FF&E Hotel & Restaurant

A ded­i­ca­tion to a time­ly and care­ful deliv­ery process, includ­ing trained crews and air-ride equip­ment, makes us the per­fect, expe­ri­enced choice for deliv­er­ing fur­ni­ture and equip­ment to hotel and restau­rant prop­er­ties across the coun­try. Whether it’s one sen­si­tive piece of equip­ment deliv­ered on a tight sched­ule, or an entire facility’s fur­ni­ture pro­gram to a remote loca­tion, Pow­ell has done a project like yours before. Con­tact us about FF&E Hotel & Restau­rant.

High-Value Medical

Pow­ell crews are rou­tine­ly trust­ed to trans­port and place sen­si­tive med­ical equip­ment from man­u­fac­tur­ers or ware­hous­es to med­ical or lab facil­i­ties. Padded van ser­vices or spe­cial crat­ing are avail­able as need­ed to give your high-val­ue item the great­est pro­tec­tion pos­si­ble dur­ing tran­sit and deliv­ery. Lift-gate equip­ment and trained crews can place the item in secure ware­hous­es, or deliv­er and place the item as need­ed for instal­la­tion crews. Tell us about your high-val­ue ship­ment.


We own and man­age ware­hous­es in three regions of the Unit­ed States. We’re also con­nect­ed to the Atlas® Agent-owned net­work of 600 secure, mon­i­tored facil­i­ties through­out North Amer­i­ca. When a project is par­tic­u­lar­ly large, we have an addi­tion­al proven net­work of bro­kered ware­house space around the world. Regard­less of the facil­i­ty we use, your items are tracked elec­tron­i­cal­ly 24/7. Ask us about ware­hous­ing with Powell.


For air, ocean, inter­modal trans­port, and ware­house facil­i­ties around the world, we bring the expe­ri­ence of our own inter­na­tion­al for­warder, plus the full resources of Atlas® Logis­tics. In addi­tion to con­nect­ing to thou­sands of car­ri­ers and mil­lions of square feet of ware­house with­in North Amer­i­ca, the Atlas Logis­tics brings 300 Atlas approved net­works through­out the globe. A project that orig­i­nates any­where, can be dis­trib­uted to near­ly every­where. Ask about our inter­na­tion­al logis­tics capabilities.Ready

Ready to get moving?

Contact us about your Logistics Need
or call us at 800–444-6430 to get started. 

Areas Served

illinois / indiana

Auro­ra, IL
Buf­fa­lo Grove, IL
Cham­paign, IL
Chica­go, IL
Edwardsville, IL
Elburn, IL
Elgin, IL
Evanston, IL
Gene­va, IL
Indi­anapo­lis, IN
Joli­et, IL
Mahomet, IL
Naperville, IL
Niles, IL
Peo­ria, IL
Rock­ford, IL
South Bend, IN
Spring­field, IL

West Virginia, Ohio Kentucky Tri-state

Ash­land, KY
Athens, OH
Charleston, WV
Chill­i­cothe, OH
Cincin­nati, OH
Colum­bus, OH
Hunt­ing­ton, WV
Iron­ton, OH
Ken­o­va, WV
Mar­tin, KY
Mor­gan­town, WV
Park­ers­burg, WV
Portsmouth, OH
Saint Albans, WV
South Charleston, WV
Tole­do, OH