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Grand Rapids Long-Distance Moving

Long-dis­tance mov­ing (some­times referred to as “inter­state mov­ing”) is a more com­pli­cat­ed affair than a rel­a­tive­ly sim­ple move across town. If you’ve ever done it before, you know so. To move prop­er­ly and avoid the stress that can come over a long dis­tance, you want a team of pro­fes­sion­als with plen­ty of expe­ri­ence who know how it’s done.

When you move with us to or from Grand Rapids, you are mov­ing with two groups – Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group and Atlas Van Lines – two of the most-used and most trust­ed names in long dis­tance mov­ing. Three things make the Pow­ell and Atlas team great for you:

  • First of all, sim­ply by being an Atlas agent, Pow­ell main­tains its sta­tus as an AMSA Pro­Mover, the
    high­est des­ig­na­tion giv­en by the Amer­i­can Mov­ing & Stor­age Asso­ci­a­tion. That’s because the require­ments to be an Atlas agent sur­pass the already strin­gent require­ments to be a ProMover.
  • Sec­ond­ly, Atlas brings a net­work of over 400 agents in the Unit­ed States and Cana­da, all of whom sur­pass Pro­Mover stan­dards. Wher­ev­er you go in the Unit­ed States or Cana­da, you are work­ing with Atlas crews.
  • Final­ly, among Atlas Agents, Pow­ell stands apart, receiv­ing the high­est Atlas mov­ing awards annu­al­ly for com­mit­ment to the high­est stan­dards of quality.

Ask us why “Self-Haul” is your huge moving advantage.

Atlas is rel­a­tive­ly unique among van line net­works, allow­ing its long-dis­tance mov­ing agents the
abil­i­ty to “Self Haul” a move. What that means to you is that the pro­fes­sion­al dri­ver who supervises
the pack­ing and load­ing at your home in the Grand Rapids area stays with your move all the way to
your new address, super­vis­ing the unload­ing and move into your new home. We will tell you more
about your Pow­ell team below, and how the dri­ver is the super­vi­sor of the mov­ing crew while they
are at your home. A Pow­ell dri­ver does much more than sim­ply dri­ve a truck from here to there.

The long-distance movers on your team.

Account Representative

The per­son who will vis­it your home (in per­son or by video) to pro­vide an esti­mate, and help you with any ques­tions you have about a long-dis­tance move.

Dedicated Customer Service Rep (CSR)

Your point of con­tact for all details and ques­tions about your move once things get going,
specif­i­cal­ly ded­i­cat­ed to your move.

Professional Driver (also known as a PVO, Professional Van Operator)

The man­ag­er of your move on site at your home, and the super­vi­sor of the pack­ers, unpack­ers and
load­ers. Also the care­tak­er of your belong­ings when they are on the road.

Packers and Unpackers

To be on this team, a per­son has to pass a back­ground check admin­is­tered by Atlas and Powell
Relo­ca­tion Group. This group of pro­fes­sion­al pack­ers is your first line of defense against damaged
items dur­ing your move.


This team is also a back­ground-checked set of pro­fes­sion­als. They work with your professional
dri­ver to load, and track, all items on and off of the mov­ing van and into your new home.