
Skip & Tami T.

I have used Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group a cou­ple of times and have been very impressed. Kyle Rose has been beyond amaz­ing and is a tremen­dous brand ambas­sador for Pow­ell. The qual­i­ty of ser­vices were awe­some so I have noth­ing but pos­i­tive com­ments regard­ing the move.

Andrew & Sara K.

The deliv­ery crew was amaz­ing. They were very effi­cient, very help­ful, always on time, and very pro­fes­sion­al. Amaz­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion from Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group. They were hard work­ers, packed things with care, and were the best movers we have ever used. 

Michael & Alison E.

Pow­ell was in con­stant con­tact with us through­out the entire process and every step of the way. Christi­na Shade was our go to per­son and she did a fab­u­lous job. Chris was very pro­fes­sion­al and easy to work with and called or emailed at all the right times. Every­one from Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion was excellent.

Kevin & Stacey K.

Every rep­re­sen­ta­tive we inter­act­ed with was thor­ough and pro­fes­sion­al. Mov­ing is hard and we appre­ci­ate the hard work put it in our behalf!

Jon T.

We are so glad we went with Pow­ell for our recent move. Our dri­ver, Mel and his team got every­thing safe­ly to our new home with­out any dam­age or even nicks or scratch­es. Plus they made sure things were set up the way we want­ed. Huge thumbs up!

Belen H.

I had pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence with movers before. This team is by far the best mov­ing group I have worked with.

Jeff P.

Dustin, our dri­ver, was great. He made sure every­thing went well but he also real­ly con­nect­ed with our nine year old daugh­ter to the point where she was call­ing him her ‘Uncle Dustin’ so he was def­i­nite­ly a big part of why our move was so smooth.

Caroline S.

All Pow­ell per­son­nel who came to my home were cour­te­ous and pleas­ant work­ers. I’m amazed at the amount of work they did in such a short time span.

Nick P.

Jon’s ser­vice was excel­lent. I could­n’t have asked him to improve any­thing. He knew his job well and his pro­fes­sion­al­ism was out­stand­ing. I will high­ly rec­om­mend him to every­one I know. Thank you so much for the excel­lent move!

Caly B.

Chad was all around amaz­ing! He was kind and infor­ma­tive very pro­fes­sion­al and orga­nized. He real­ly made our big move much less stressful.

Tim D.

I had an excel­lent expe­ri­ence with Pow­ell. They moved my fam­i­ly of 6 over 600 miles. Every­thing was as smooth as could be imagined.

Alissa L.

Smooth­ly moved from TX to PA with the help of this com­pa­ny. Both teams were absolute­ly amaz­ing. They packed every­thing up for us and noth­ing was dam­aged or lost in the move. They took great care with the fur­ni­ture we were bring­ing with us, and placed it all in the rooms we want­ed in the new place. Would def­i­nite­ly use this com­pa­ny again!

Paula K.

We tru­ly are impressed with your com­pa­ny and give it the high­est rat­ing and con­grat­u­la­tions. Every one who sup­port­ed us was hap­py with this com­pa­ny and we think that means a lot.

Jeffrey K.

The crew was very pro­fes­sion­al and care­ful with my per­son­al effects. I could not rec­om­mend them more!

R. Ramos
Luis G.

They were on time, pro­fes­sion­al and easy to work with. The crews spoke Span­ish and Eng­lish, it was a plus. It was like we knew them since before. It gave con­fi­dence that our house­hold goods would be safe. 

David J.

I’ve had a lot of cor­po­rate moves, and this one was the best! Steve and his Pow­ell crew have our high­est rec­om­men­da­tion. We would use them again.

Zach S.

The crew was great, espe­cial­ly with our young chil­dren and dog run­ning around. A crew mem­ber even had dog treats for my dog which was real­ly nice.

Susan F.

I can­not say enough pos­i­tive things about Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion. The entire team and process exceed­ed my expec­ta­tions. They made the move very easy for me! I high­ly rec­om­mend Pow­ell and will use them again.

Nicholas S.

Super easy to work with and very respon­sive. Any ques­tions I had were answered with­in a day. The movers were very pro­fes­sion­al and right on sched­ule at both locations.

Jessica M.

The deliv­ery crew were amaz­ing. They per­formed way above my expec­ta­tions for help­ful­ness and effi­cien­cy. They were so nice and help­ful. They went above and beyond to make sure I was happy.

Sophia & Christine K.

They were awe­some!  They were always prompt and let us know exact­ly what was going on. Loved how fast they were! Noth­ing was lost or dam­aged. I would love to use them again.

Jeff and Anja T.

We have moved with Pow­ell sev­er­al times now and had very good expe­ri­ences. Specif­i­cal­ly, Mike Kosko has packed/loaded and unloaded us a few times and we real­ly enjoy work­ing with Mike. He packs every­thing every care­ful­ly and is a plea­sure to work with.

Utkarsh M.

I did­n’t even know I need­ed movers and pack­ers in my life. I used Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group to relo­cate to TN for work. The move was seam­less with­out any hic­cups and the asso­ciates knew what they were doing. My stuff was deliv­ered in exact same con­di­tion as they packed. I would high­ly rec­om­mend Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group for their excel­lent cus­tomer ser­vice, trans­par­ent com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and friend­ly asso­ciates who tend to cus­tomer needs with utmost pri­or­i­ty. Kudos to the team at Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group!

Tom and Debbie Olson

Every­one we worked with at Pow­ell was fab­u­lous par­tic­u­lar­ly the van oper­a­tors. Very pro­fes­sion­al friend­ly and helpful.

Carly & Brandon H.

Every­thing was tak­en care of in a time­ly man­ner and the dri­ver was with us every step of the way. He item­ized every­thing and ensured the things I was wor­ried about were tak­en care of. I would recommend.

Tara and Todd D.

The group that moved us via Pow­ell was tremen­dous. Very pro­fes­sion­al in their com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Pack­ing was done very well. Polite, effi­cient, care­ful etc. We could not be more hap­py with how this went.


Ellie and Team gave A+ ser­vice. The crew in Chica­go and Grand Rapids were pro­fes­sion­al, pleas­ant, and treat­ed my belong­ings and home like it was their own. I would rec­om­mend them to any­one and use them for future moves!

Mike C.

Ellie was great with pre/during/post move activ­i­ties. Kept me informed and was very pleas­ant to work with. CJ was pro­fes­sion­al effi­cient and had great crews on both ends of the move.

Diana S.

The move was com­pli­cat­ed and every­one on the mov­ing crew was pro­fes­sion­al, effi­cient, fast and went above and beyond to ensure that our move was suc­cess­ful­ly completed.

Maura C.

They were pro­fes­sion­al, respect­ful and very kind dur­ing the whole process. If I got to work with these 2 amaz­ing movers when­ev­er I had to move, I would move every month. They were hands down the best I’ve worked with and pro­vid­ed out­stand­ing cus­tomer ser­vice. I was blown away and extreme­ly grateful.

Kinyatta J.

All awe­some. They did great with tak­ing care of my belongings.

Juan L.

I already men­tioned to my com­pa­ny how great Pow­ell was as a ship­ping agent dur­ing my relo­ca­tion process.

Sean F.

The process was awe­some and eased so much stress for my wife and I. Def­i­nite­ly the most pos­i­tive mov­ing expe­ri­ence I have ever had. 10/10 expe­ri­ence and if I move again I will absolute­ly use this company.

Brett S.

This has been one of the best mov­ing expe­ri­ences that I have had and I’ve moved 7 times in the pre­vi­ous 11 years with the mil­i­tary and var­i­ous job relo­ca­tion requirements.

Tim P.

Dan, our dri­ver, did a fan­tas­tic job over­see­ing the crews! Some­times I heard him inter­ven­ing to give the crew mem­bers advice and tips, which means he was pro­vid­ing over­sight and ensur­ing they did a great job.

Andrew S.

Kyle, Kelsey, and Steve were awe­some. They worked hard and were very polite. Good/nice peo­ple make the difference.

Phillip T.

Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group was sim­ply out­stand­ing! We will ask for Atlas/Powell by name the next time we move. Many thanks.

Chrishan V.

This was a rather large move and the team han­dled it flaw­less­ly and with care. I would not hes­i­tate to use them again if need­ed in the future.

Terry & Lynn S.

Sim­ply a top notch com­pa­ny! The best! All Pow­ell rep­re­sen­ta­tives were total­ly excellent.

Brad and Kim P.

Because of great ser­vice and atten­tion to detail we had a very smooth relocation!

Carolyn G.

We were referred to Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group to assist with the move of our 83 year old aunt. Dave (our dri­ver) assured her that these items as well as every­thing else was going to be packed and deliv­ered as if they were his own pos­ses­sions. Our deep­est thanks to Pow­ell, Deb­bie, Dave, and his crew. We will absolute­ly refer them to any­one in need of mov­ing services.

Andrea K.

Very pleased with whole expe­ri­ence con­cern­ing my move. All per­son­nel was very pro­fes­sion­al, help­ful  cour­te­ous, and a joy to deal with.

Chris C

My wife and I are thrilled our items arrived in great con­di­tion and unlike so many of our friends who are part of the exo­dus of Cal­i­for­nia, we don’t have a mov­ing hor­ror sto­ry. Thank you Atlas!

Robin R.

I would high­ly rec­om­mend your ser­vice to any­one! Thank you for mak­ing my move seamless!

Amanda S.

All the folks that packed the goods, the dri­vers who picked up and deliv­ered every­thing, and Jes­si­ca Rot­tiers were amaz­ing. They made my life so much easier.

Bonnie C.

Same crew packed and unpacked. Excep­tion­al job! So friendly.

Bethany & Mile P.

Very friend­ly ser­vice. They took great care of our items. Would high­ly rec­om­mend this ser­vice to others.

Mary V.

They def­i­nite­ly worked hard to make this as easy as pos­si­ble and elim­i­nate stress.

Ashwini & Sanjay S.

Thank you to the packing/unpacking as all items/belongings are well packed and deliv­ered in time­ly, dam­age free, and pro­fes­sion­al manner.

Bryce A.

The crew were very per­son­able and effi­cient. They were detailed, espe­cial­ly with label­ing the boxes.

Logan Z.

Jason had good com­mu­ni­ca­tion through­out the process and is skilled at plac­ing his truck in even the tight­est neighborhoods.

Amy & Nathan K.

Pow­ell had good com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The movers were quick, effec­tive, and sociable.

Patrick O.

The peo­ple pro­vid­ing the ser­vice were incred­i­bly help­ful, effi­cient, and com­mu­nica­tive. Would rate a 10/10 and rec­om­mend the ser­vice to any­one con­sid­er­ing it.

Thomas & Barbara M.

The Pow­ell team did not dis­ap­point. This was our sec­ond relo­ca­tion expe­ri­ence and the entire Pow­ell team was incred­i­ble at every lev­el in the process.

Don & Lexa H.

The dri­ver, Doug, was phe­nom­e­nal, and took great care to ensure that every­thing was pro­tect­ed and went well. Christi­na, our coor­di­na­tor, and the team were tru­ly excep­tion­al in mak­ing this move go as seam­less­ly as possible.

Siddhesh B.

Excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­tion and on time relo­ca­tion. Real­ly liked the over­all service.

Fnu S.
Gabriel D.

The ser­vice dur­ing pack­ing, trans­porta­tion and unpack­ing was out­stand­ing. Impos­si­ble to move with­out Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group. All my items arrived with no dam­age and the set up at my new loca­tion was done quick. Thank you very much for your services.

Leslie S.

Over­all a great expe­ri­ence with Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group.

Brady C.

Our coor­di­na­tor stayed in con­tact with us through­out the whole process. The load­ing team and truck dri­ver were very pro­fes­sion­al and were very efficient.

Reid W.

Top Tier! Same driver/lead. Dif­fer­ent crew, but they were great! 

Stephen H.

Pow­ell was stellar!

Keri K

They did a great job on pack­ag­ing and care with­in my home. The process was smooth and speedy. 

Jeffrey & Maria G.

Pow­ell was great. They packed effi­cient­ly and quick­ly, and loaded up the entire house faster than I could have imag­ined was pos­si­ble. Friend­ly and cour­te­ous staff as well.

James & Carmen S.

We have moved many times. This is the first time the crew that loaded was also the crew that unloaded. I think that made it eas­i­er for unloading

Ramkumar B.

They were a good and pro­fes­sion­al crew. They came on time and took great care dur­ing delivery.

Antonio D.

The team was great and they worked well togeth­er while mov­ing all items effi­cient­ly and safe­ly and being great peo­ple dur­ing the process.

Missy A.

Nick was my dri­ver and he was amaz­ing! He was polite, pro­fes­sion­al, and had an incred­i­ble work eth­ic! Very thank­ful for all the help!

William D.

Ser­vice dur­ing the move was excep­tion­al. All items were brought in great con­di­tion and the team was excep­tion­al once again. I would rec­om­mend it them to anyone.

Rachel & Ryan W.

Very pro­fes­sion­al. Pack­ing and deliv­ery were on sched­ule with no damage.

Lisa & Scott M.

Every­one from Atlas and Pow­ell has went above and beyond. Thank you for tak­ing the stress off of me in this area. I very much appre­ci­ate it.

Abhay G.

The move went real­ly well. Chris in par­tic­u­lar who was han­dling the move was real­ly effi­cient in com­mu­ni­cat­ing and pro­vid­ing me with updates. The movers and pack­ers who did the actu­al work were real­ly fast and care­ful with the move and planned the move real­ly well too.

Charlene N.

I’ve nev­er had packers/movers before but I was so impressed! No mat­ter how many times I called with ques­tions and con­cerns there was always a ready answer and avail­able assis­tance. Even the actu­al packing/moving dates went well! I’m so impressed. I can nev­er go back!

Shannon A.

Luis did an excel­lent job! He was friend­ly and made me feel com­fort­able as he was working. 

Alexandria & Chad H.

Our coor­di­na­tor Christi­na Shade was excel­lent! The dri­vers and crews from East Peo­ria and Tx are were both great as well. 

Jamie & John D.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion was great. The dri­ver and the crews used were outstanding.

Casey & Shannon B.

We have moved in the past with Cater­pil­lar and this was by far the best move we have had.

Evan & Jennifer S.

Pow­ell was very respon­sive to my ques­tions and pro­vid­ed good infor­ma­tion on what to expect with the mov­ing process along with tim­ing coordination.

Brian & Amy P.

Very effi­cient and easy to work with!

John S.

Great, I even learned some things. The guy was great, very good to talk to and work with.

Assaf A.

Con­nor was extreme­ly pro­fes­sion­al; orga­nized and very help­ful from the point of ori­gin to the des­ti­na­tion. His sup­port crew was very thor­ough in safe­ly park­ing goods; load­ing and unload­ing. Deserves 10/10! We tru­ly appre­ci­ate your service.

Matthew & Sara C.

Ben­i­to was great to work with. He real­ly hus­tled, and he deliv­ered our ship­ment quick­ly and safe­ly at the begin­ning of our deliv­ery win­dow. This allowed us to unpack the major­i­ty of the box­es over the long weekend.

Reid A.

Every­thing with the move went very well and I’m extreme­ly appre­cia­tive for the quick turnaround.

Marissa N.

They made me feel very com­fort­able and walked me through the process with ease. It went above and beyond my expec­ta­tions so I just want­ed to let you know that.

Jerry R.

This was a total stress free event because of every­one asso­ci­at­ed with the process. Well done by all!!

Stephen C.

They were great! Movers were great!

Frederick B.

I would give the crew a 10! They were amaz­ing. Great crew. Very polite and very careful. 

Kellie & Daniel N.

Ser­vice was excel­lent and the movers were extreme­ly care­ful when mov­ing large, bulky fur­ni­ture into our new home. They also put down floor cov­er­ings to keep the wood floors from get­ting scratched or dirty. I would cer­tain­ly use this com­pa­ny again. They were perfect!

Jan S.

Every­thing went extreme­ly well from the start with Mr. Guier through the fin­ish with Miss LaDon­na. Very hap­py with all folks involved in my big move from Texas to Michi­gan. Thanks ever so much!

Max and Courtney M.

The Pow­ell team was quick and friend­ly. They were able to com­plete my move in a time­ly and safe manner.

Sandy H.

From begin­ning to end, the move was well timed, coor­di­nat­ed, and pro­fes­sion­al. So yes, I high­ly rec­om­mend them. I will def­i­nite­ly use them for my next move.

Brian S.

The coor­di­na­tor LaDon­na Can­non was EXCELLENT! She stayed in touch with me every step of the way. Eric the van oper­a­tor and his helper Julie were EXCELLENT in pack­ing and deliv­er­ing my possessions!

Amber H.

This was my first time being pro­fes­sion­al­ly moved. Over­all, I had a very pleas­ant expe­ri­ence and I would rec­om­mend this service.

Peter W.

Mr. Dion Krys­mal­s­ki works much more than the aver­age van oper­a­tor. His expe­ri­ence and pas­sion made the relo­ca­tion process seam­less. Thanks for this five-star service.

Praveen N.

Out­stand­ing ser­vice. One of the great­est dri­ver I have met dur­ing my pre­vi­ous 7 relocations.

Emily T.

Our coor­di­na­tor with Pow­ell relo­ca­tion was respon­sive and help­ful from. Pedro, the dri­ver, was the best. He assem­bled two excel­lent crews that worked hard and exhib­it­ed care for our items and pro­fes­sion­al­ism toward our family.

Joanna F.

Pow­ell did a great job with my move. I real­ly appre­ci­at­ed their respon­sive­ness and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills.

Nate R.

Jose & his crew did a fab­u­lous job from start to finish.

Michael & Lauren B.

Bob­by did a great job pack­ing, trans­port­ing, and deliv­er­ing every­thing. He and the oth­ers were cour­te­ous, patient and friendly.