We were referred to Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group to assist with the move of our 83 year old aunt. This was a high­ly emo­tion­al move as she was relo­cat­ing from her home of 40 years in San Diego to re-join fam­i­ly back in Chica­go. We could­n’t have been more pleased with the over­all expe­ri­ence. From the start, Deb­bie Baird, the move coor­di­na­tor assigned to us pro­vid­ed a thor­ough and calm­ing expla­na­tion of each mile­stone that was to come. The esti­ma­tor was empa­thet­ic and kind as he went through the home and assessed needs and pro­vid­ed sug­ges­tions that would ease us through the goods need­ing to be shipped. Dave was our dri­ver who orches­trat­ed the pack/load/delivery and his crew was amaz­ing. Our aunt was par­tic­u­lar­ly focused on Lladro’s and oth­er items pre­cious to her that had long-term emo­tion­al val­ue to her. Dave assured her that these items as well as every­thing else was going to be packed and deliv­ered as if they were his own pos­ses­sions. This went a long way with our aunt and us. On deliv­ery day, Dave showed up ear­ly in the morn­ing and his crew pre­pared and pro­tect­ed the home which was very com­fort­ing to us. The fur­ni­ture and box­es came off the truck quick­ly and care­ful­ly. They even allowed us to unpack some box­es which delayed their deliv­ery process because they knew our aunt want­ed to see some of her per­son­al belong­ings. That was very much appre­ci­at­ed. Our deep­est thanks to Pow­ell, Deb­bie, Dave, and his crew. We will absolute­ly refer them to any­one in need of mov­ing services.