Dan, our dri­ver, did a fan­tas­tic job over­see­ing the crews!! He also did a fan­tas­tic job com­mu­ni­cat­ing with both myself and Tim. Dan is a great leader and it’s obvi­ous he takes great pride in his work. He was friend­ly and respect­ful and pro­fes­sion­al. Some­times I heard him inter­ven­ing to give the crew mem­bers advice and tips, which means he was pro­vid­ing over­sight and ensur­ing they did a great job. Again, Dan does a great job. Upon deliv­ery he worked close­ly with Tim who was also present that day. They were effi­cient. 100% Espe­cial­ly Dan!! Tim was­n’t present when Dan and the crew packed and loaded in Wadsworth OH, but I told him how great Dan was. Then when he inter­act­ed with Dan in Burling­ton, NC he agreed he’s a great guy that does his job effi­cient­ly as pos­si­ble while tak­ing great care and lead­ing dif­fer­ent crews.