Commercial Moving Services

Local­ly, around our three bases of oper­a­tion in the Unit­ed States, or from coast-to-coast in North Amer­i­ca, there is no com­mer­cial mov­ing project too large or small for Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group. We’ve been trust­ed for office mov­ing or ware­hous­ing and dis­tri­b­u­tion since 1959. Today, we work every day for cor­po­ra­tions to move a few rooms, relo­cate an entire com­plex, or ware­house items for final-mile deliv­ery. Whether we rely on our own resources, or tap into the 600 Atlas® loca­tions in North Amer­i­ca, we can flex to meet your needs.

Office Moving

From small, last minute projects, to poten­tial­ly com­plex and larg­er office relo­ca­tions, our large staff of movers and relo­ca­tion con­sul­tants can respond quick­ly and effi­cient­ly. With an aver­age of 25 years of expe­ri­ence, our office move con­sul­tants are expe­ri­enced esti­ma­tors, plan­ners and coor­di­na­tors. You’ve found the office mov­ing part­ner you need. Begin here, with any office mov­ing request.


We own and oper­ate our facil­i­ties in three regions of the Unit­ed States, giv­ing us access to the Upper Mid­west, the Atlantic Coast and inland, and the South­west. From local short-term and long-term stor­age, to being a dis­tri­b­u­tion point on a sup­ply chain, we offer secure, bar-code man­aged, and tem­per­a­ture-con­trolled stor­age for cli­mate-sen­si­tive items space. For the largest projects, we are part of the 600 secure loca­tions in the Atlas® Van Lines network.


With local crews based in our three metro areas, we can make time-sen­si­tive deliv­er­ies, includ­ing inside place­ment and lite instal­la­tion. Or, we can access the entire Atlas® Logis­tics net­work to put mil­lions of square feet and thou­sands of car­ri­ers at your ser­vice around the globe. All ware­house loca­tions and trans­porta­tion providers are Atlas-approved, through­out North Amer­i­ca and over­seas. Con­tact us today to find the resources for your dis­tri­b­u­tion project.

FF&E Final Mile

Our com­mit­ment to high-qual­i­ty trans­porta­tion on our cus­tomers’ sched­ules makes us a favored provider across the coun­try for white-glove FF&E final mile deliv­ery and lite instal­la­tion. We work to the require­ments of the man­u­fac­tur­er and to the time frames of the recip­i­ents, con­trac­tors and spe­cial­ized tech­ni­cal instal­la­tion crews. Ask us to quote a FF&E ship­ment or pro­gram today.

Ready to get moving?

Contact Us To Begin
or call us at 800–444-6430 to get started

Areas Served

illinois / indiana

Auro­ra, IL
Buf­fa­lo Grove, IL
Cham­paign, IL
Chica­go, IL
Edwardsville, IL
Elburn, IL
Elgin, IL
Evanston, IL
Gene­va, IL
Indi­anapo­lis, IN
Joli­et, IL
Mahomet, IL
Naperville, IL
Niles, IL
Peo­ria, IL
Rock­ford, IL
South Bend, IN
Spring­field, IL

West Virginia, Ohio Kentucky Tri-state

Ash­land, KY
Athens, OH
Charleston, WV
Chill­i­cothe, OH
Cincin­nati, OH
Colum­bus, OH
Hunt­ing­ton, WV
Iron­ton, OH
Ken­o­va, WV
Mar­tin, KY
Mor­gan­town, WV
Park­ers­burg, WV
Portsmouth, OH
Saint Albans, WV
South Charleston, WV
Tole­do, OH