
Brad & Lisa C.

Our Atlas/Powell move team was atten­tive, pro­fes­sion­al, and very thorough.

Vincent & Jennifer S.

It is always a plea­sure work­ing with Chris Shade and Powell.

William & Caryn H.

The crew from West­ern Michi­gan was out­stand­ing. Packed the trail­er well, then repacked my stor­age unit. Thumbs up!

Bradley F.

I thought this part (pack­ing) would be the most stress­ful in the relo­ca­tion. The movers made it one of the least stress­ful. I was very pleased and hap­py with their help. Noth­ing was bro­ken or miss­ing. It was great!

Julie G

The mov­ing crews that worked with me were excel­lent. The crews worked effi­cient­ly to get every­thing packed and unpacked with­in half a day which saved all of us a good amount of time.

Sarah B.

Mov­ing day is often the peak cul­mi­na­tion of stress, box­es, real­tors, uncer­tain­ty, and chaos. With­in min­utes of meet­ing Dan, we could just feel the ten­sion evap­o­rate because of his kind­ness, com­pe­tence, and flexibility.

Douglas & Megan M.

This was the first time I have ever used a mov­ing com­pa­ny. This was the best expe­ri­ence I could have asked for.

Eric & Mary Grace B.

I was work­ing sev­er­al projects at the time of our move so I for­got a few things and Dawn gra­cious­ly explained the infor­ma­tion again and did not make me feel I was a bother.

Tyler S.

The team did a great job coor­di­nat­ing with me and work­ing through the mul­ti­ple changes in time­line due to back to work delays.

Hayley A.

I would high­ly rec­om­mend Kevin and Jenn in the future. They kept me informed through­out the whole expe­ri­ence and were incred­i­bly friend­ly. They did an amaz­ing job!

Carol & Ron F.

This stress­ful move was made so much eas­i­er with Kevin at the helm. We can­not thank him enough for all he did to make this move seamless.

Thomas & Paula H.

Excel­lent ser­vice! Appre­ci­at­ed Genes atten­tion to detail and the ser­vice pro­vid­ed by both crews.

Joshua M.
Michael & Gail B.

This process went extreme­ly smooth­ly. William’s team was excel­lent for both pack­ing and unloading.

Angela A.

The process was very easy. The dri­ver was friend­ly, pro­fes­sion­al, and on time. Pick up was flaw­less and deliv­ery was on point. I am very sat­is­fied with their services.

Jeffrey M.

Kyle Rose packed and deliv­ered my house­hold goods. He went out of his way to be help­ful at both ends of the move. Should I ever need to move again, I will be request­ing him.

Matt G.

Would not hes­i­tate to use again. Thanks!

James & Victoria R.

The team worked hard and moved quick­ly, while still mak­ing sure pack­ing and load­ing was done safely.

Anne L.

We were impressed with their atten­tion to detail and care and I would high­ly rec­om­mend their ser­vices to anyone.

Matthew & Marcy N.

Tony was great through­out the entire process. Every­thing was deliv­ered time­ly and with zero issues. 

Christopher M.

Entire mov­ing com­pa­ny took very good care of all our valuables.

Jason & Lisa K.

Coor­di­na­tor was very respon­sive. Dri­vers and crew did a great job. 

Norman B.

If we ever move again we would def­i­nite­ly choose them to do it. Thanks so much.

Frank M.

I was also pleased with the prompt­ness of the pick-up and deliv­ery to meet my date and times of choice.

Sherri T.

Team was great. No issues at all. Mov­ing com­pa­ny was very good!

Leigh Ann H.

Both the load and unload crews were great.

Trevor S.

This was my sec­ond time using Atlas. If and when I move again, there will be a third. Thanks for all the help.

Angela Z.

This was a great expe­ri­ence. The guys were very per­son­al and made things easy. I even got my things ear­ly mak­ing life eas­i­er for me!

Drake T.

Pow­ell was fan­tas­tic. From the coor­di­na­tion to the onsite mov­ing crew. A+ ser­vice all around.

Nikki G

Jose was THE BEST! So nice and pro­fes­sion­al. Did a great job and trust­ed him with my stuff

James & Holly J.

The van dri­ver who brought our belong­ings to the final des­ti­na­tion was PHENOMENAL!

Michael D.

Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group was won­der­ful and han­dled all of our goods with extreme care

Tye & Allisen S.

This was legit­i­mate­ly some of the best ser­vice I’ve ever received

Patricia and Gregory D.

The entire team was great. We loved work­ing with them!

Tyler B.

Pow­ell was extreme­ly prompt in their sched­ul­ing and respons­es to my questions.

Micaela R.

The movers went above and beyond. Very hap­py with my experience.

Joseph M.

The dri­ver ran a very good crew. If I move again, I would ask for the same crew.

Michael & Lauren F.

Gene was very help­ful in walk­ing me through the process. He also ensured our belong­ings were packed and moved carefully.

Christopher S.

The mov­ing team was excel­lent and even assist­ed with some things that they did not have to.

James & Tonya M.

The dri­ver was very help­ful and knowl­edge­able. The help was also cour­te­ous and skilled.

Karla J.

This has been the best relo­ca­tion ser­vice I’ve had in the 4 dif­fer­ent moves I’ve had with my organization.

Nicole K.

We appre­ci­ate all the hard-work that was put into mak­ing it a pos­i­tive mov­ing expe­ri­ence for us. Thank you!

Jenny C.

The van oper­a­tor was pro­fes­sion­al and very easy to work with.

Thomas & Mindy B.

Every­one was friend­ly, pro­fes­sion­al, and comforting.

John K.

We moved from Cal­i­for­nia to Michi­gan and our move was seamless.

Shawn & Meranda P.

They were great. We had the same dri­ver both times and he was great to work with.

Stephanie R.

No issues at all, excel­lent team.

Terry & Lynn S.

Mov­ing is a hor­ri­ble expe­ri­ence but your peo­ple made it the best that it can be. 

Seth & Lindsey S.

I could not be any hap­pi­er with the ser­vice received.

Anna W.

The mov­ing crew did an excel­lent job!

Michelle D.

Pow­ell was fan­tas­tic, pro­fes­sion­al, and exceed­ed my expectations.

Lingling R.

Jason was excel­lent very pro­fes­sion­al and hard work­ing, thank you!

Margaret M.

What a great crew! Com­plete­ly satisfied!

Sean & April S.

We are glad to have met him and would request Tony in the future.

Eric H.

I received per­son­al­ized calls every day ask­ing how the move was going, this was a nice experience.

Kevin S.

Great ser­vice. We switched des­ti­na­tion address a few times and team was flex­i­ble and accommodating.

Katie R.

We would def­i­nite­ly use Pow­ell and Atlas again for any long dis­tance moves.

Jeff & Cathy W.

Thank you for help­ing to move my fam­i­ly per­fect­ly across five states.

Kevin O.

This was the best mov­ing expe­ri­ence I have ever had. I would high­ly rec­om­mend Pow­ell at any opportunity.

Tom & Poppi R.

They were both very very help­ful and under­stand­ing of the sit­u­a­tion and were will­ing to do any­thing to make my move less stressful.

Michelle S.

Thank you for a pro­fes­sion­al and seam­less mov­ing experience!

Payton S.

Every step of the way I felt cared for sup­port­ed and under­stood. I will for­ev­er be grate­ful for them and would rec­om­mend them in a heartbeat.

Greg & Jodi H.

Could not have asked for a bet­ter team!

Paul & Dana M.

Every­one on the team was great to work with.

Rachel J.

They were extreme­ly pro­fes­sion­al and took great care to make sure my belong­ings got to my final des­ti­na­tion in great shape.

David C.

Chris was excel­lent at his job. He lead his teams well and was very organized.

Samuel R

Very smooth.

Fuad K.

I am very pleased with the move.

Felisha C.

The pick up and deliv­ery went amazing!

Robin S.

I would 100% rec­om­mend this company.

Chase T.

Effi­cient and excel­lent ser­vice. Made the whole process very smooth and easy.

Jennifer G.

Very hap­py with the service!

Matt & Samantha W.

Would high­ly recommend.

Donna & James S.

This team was AWESOME!!