Business Continuity Plan:

Our senior man­age­ment team has a strate­gic plan­ning phone call every day to dis­cuss any new chal­lenges and ways we can make it safer for our employ­ees, pro­fes­sion­al van oper­a­tors, crew mem­bers and cus­tomers. All mis­sion-crit­i­cal team mem­bers, includ­ing those in oper­a­tions, pro­fes­sion­al van oper­a­tors, crew mem­bers, ware­house per­son­nel and mechan­ics con­tin­ue to work as usu­al, with extra pre­cau­tions being tak­en to ensure social dis­tanc­ing and prop­er health guide­lines are fol­lowed. Any team mem­ber who feels or appears ill, is instruct­ed to stay home. We are mon­i­tor­ing this evolv­ing sit­u­a­tion and tak­ing imme­di­ate action to lim­it expo­sure and spread of this threat. We have asked our employ­ees, pro­fes­sion­al van oper­a­tors and crew mem­bers to com­mu­ni­cate with us imme­di­ate­ly if they expe­ri­ence any symp­toms or come in direct con­tact with any­one who isn’t feel­ing well, or has test­ed pos­i­tive for the coro­n­avirus. We have stocked all office and ware­house loca­tions with gloves, masks, shoe cov­ers, and san­i­tiz­er dis­pensers. We are hav­ing each loca­tion pro­fes­sion­al­ly fogged week­ly to kill any poten­tial germs or virus.

Truck Sanitation:

We are wip­ing down and san­i­tiz­ing all trucks at the begin­ning and end of each day. We have also pro­vid­ed our dri­vers with spray mist bot­tles of alco­hol solu­tion to mist each truck as well as each home they work in each day. We con­tin­ue to stock extra alco­hol solu­tion to assure our dri­vers have an unlim­it­ed sup­ply. This includes clean­ing the cab, along with the box attached to the chas­sis. This pro­ce­dure will help ensure that truck sur­faces are devoid of the virus. We are replen­ish­ing our crew mem­bers’ and pro­fes­sion­al van oper­a­tors’ health kits as need­ed to ensure they have an ample sup­ply of hand san­i­tiz­er, wipes and antibac­te­r­i­al soap to use in their trucks and in our cus­tomers’ homes each day.

Our pro­fes­sion­al van oper­a­tors have each cus­tomer des­ig­nate a spe­cif­ic bath­room for our move team to use and we wash hands many times through­out the day and san­i­tize the bath­room at the end of each day.

Daily crew member screening:

We have dig­i­tal ther­mome­ters to take each crew member’s tem­per­a­ture before they are dis­patched on any house­hold goods or com­mer­cial moves. Any crew mem­ber run­ning a fever will not be dis­patched and will be sent home for self-quarantine.

CDC Guidelines:

We have shared the CDC Guide­lines for avoid­ing COVID-19, with all employ­ees, pro­fes­sion­al van oper­a­tors and move crews. This includes prop­er hand­wash­ing, avoid­ance of hand­shakes and hand-over-mouth coughs and sneezes, and main­tain­ing prop­er social distancing.

Supply Chain:

We are in con­stant con­tact with our sup­pli­ers includ­ing our cor­ru­gat­ed box, tape and wrap­ping paper sup­pli­ers. We are being told we will not have to wor­ry about run­ning out of sup­plies, and we have stocked-up on pack­ing mate­ri­als to ensure ade­quate sup­ply in the event of a sup­ply chain disruption.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion to our inter­nal employ­ees, pro­fes­sion­al van oper­a­tors and crew mem­bers is being sent out as we receive updates from local, state and fed­er­al gov­ern­ments as well as the CDC and the WHO. We are get­ting cre­ative when mov­ing ship­ments into or out of high risk areas. When pos­si­ble, we are car­ry­ing all our own labor with us which allows us to avoid any con­tact with any labor from high risk areas. When­ev­er pos­si­ble, we are ask­ing the cus­tomer allow our van oper­a­tors to per­form third par­ty ser­vices to avoid addi­tion­al peo­ple in the home.

We are all in this togeth­er. We have planned for and imple­ment­ed pro­ce­dures to mit­i­gate risk and avoid ser­vice dis­rup­tions while stay­ing safe. We are vig­i­lant regard­ing the pro­tec­tion of our employ­ees, our pro­fes­sion­al van oper­a­tors and our cus­tomers and are avail­able to answer any ques­tions that you or your employ­ees may have. Thank you as always for your busi­ness and stay safe and well!