Grand Rapids office movers – from quick and small to large and planned projects.

Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group office movers han­dle many small, last minute projects every week in the Grand Rapids area. Because of our large staff of full-time expe­ri­enced movers, we can respond quick­ly and effi­cient­ly to any short notice office or indus­tri­al move.

For larg­er, poten­tial­ly com­plex office relo­ca­tions, our office relo­ca­tion con­sul­tants man­age your requests and objec­tives. Our con­sul­tants aver­age 25 years of expe­ri­ence in esti­mat­ing, plan­ning and coor­di­nat­ing. Moves across state lines are also well with­in our capa­bil­i­ties as an inter­state mov­ing company.

When you con­tact us for an esti­mate and con­sul­ta­tion, you will get straight­for­ward, expe­ri­enced advice at no cost or oblig­a­tion. Our team of pro­fes­sion­als will take the guess­work and wor­ry out of your office mov­ing project. We can design and imple­ment flow­charts to ensure a move free of com­pli­ca­tions and with min­i­mum down­time to the com­pa­ny. Con­tact us today to dis­cuss your office mov­ing needs.

The office moving plan – working with your team.

While some office-mov­ing com­pa­nies begin the job with a two-wheel­er in hand, we know that an office move plan is the first step. We will speak with your relo­ca­tion team or coor­di­na­tor to learn the require­ments of every depart­ment. Our crew leader will walk through your offices and sur­vey the work to be done.

Your approval of the mov­ing plan is the green light for work to begin. Our objec­tive is to get your staff com­fort­able and back to work in the short­est peri­od pos­si­ble. We act accord­ing to your sched­ule, whether reg­u­lar hours, after hours, week­ends or hol­i­days. Our office relo­ca­tion pro­fes­sion­als will:

  • Obtain required per­mits or autho­riza­tions to per­form the work.
  • Assign col­or codes to the new areas for the place­ment of items.
  • Post a floor plan where it is con­ve­nient for work­ers to reference.
  • Secure entrances and ele­va­tors for use dur­ing load­ing and unloading.
  • Pro­vide stor­age options and arrange for deliv­ery of stored items later.

Specialized packing for computers, libraries, desk contents.

Our Grand Rapids office mov­ing per­son­nel are high­ly expe­ri­enced in pack­ing com­put­ers, art­work and libraries. We have spe­cial cus­tom-built shelv­ing carts for mov­ing libraries, file rooms, even desk con­tents. Any­thing we pack, we will unpack at des­ti­na­tion and place it in its prop­er loca­tion. Our office movers bring clean, well-main­tained equip­ment for reli­able service.

Office-move supervisors, background-checked crews.

We always pro­vide suf­fi­cient super­vi­so­ry per­son­nel onsite dur­ing the move to answer ques­tions from you or the mov­ing crew. All Grand Rapids crew mem­bers under­go thor­ough back­ground checks.

As the fur­ni­ture and equip­ment arrive at the new loca­tion, it is placed accord­ing to your floor plan. When your employ­ees return to work, their offices will be ready for business.

Assigning the right trucks and equipment to your move.

Your Pow­ell relo­ca­tion con­sul­tant will deter­mine what size trucks will be required for your office move. If your move is large enough for a semi-trail­er, and if ori­gin and des­ti­na­tion will allow it, we will pro­vide just that. We can expe­dite your move this way by using our roll on, roll off method.

The relo­ca­tion con­sul­tant will also deter­mine how many 4 wheel dol­lies, 2 wheel dol­lies, pan­el carts, speed packs, shelv­ing carts, pop-up totes, etc. will be need­ed to expe­dite your office relo­ca­tion. This is the key to keep­ing the cost down. Pow­ell has a large inven­to­ry of spe­cial office mov­ing equip­ment and will make sure we assign and pro­vide you with the right equipment.

Warehousing and storage options

When you need short-term or long-term stor­age, Pow­ell Relo­ca­tion Group offers choic­es in the Grand Rapids area in our own ware­hous­es or through­out North Amer­i­ca in the Atlas® net­work of 600 secure ware­house locations.

Con­tact us about your office move at 800–444-6430