Grand Rapids distribution, plus a greater reach.

Depend­ing on the reach of your dis­tri­b­u­tion project, Pow­ell local crews can make your deliv­er­ies in the greater Grand Rapids area (includ­ing lite instal­la­tion), or we can access the entire Atlas® Logis­tics net­work to put mil­lions of square feet and thou­sands of car­ri­ers at your ser­vice. All ware­house loca­tions and trans­porta­tion providers are Atlas-approved, through­out North Amer­i­ca and overseas.

Time-sensitive supply-chain transportation

Pow­ell cus­tomers rely on our abil­i­ty to hit tight dis­tri­b­u­tion time frames. We’re trust­ed to man­age the tim­ing of freight ship­ments to and from the entire sup­ply chain. We work with the sched­ules of man­u­fac­tur­ers, ware­hous­es and retailers.

We have the unique capa­bil­i­ty of choos­ing from three fleets. We dri­ve our own ground trans­port fleet, we have access to the entire Atlas® Van Lines ground fleet, or we can bro­ker the ground, air, see or inter­modal capac­i­ty we need with our seam­less con­nec­tion to Atlas Logistics.

Our time-sen­si­tive dis­tri­b­u­tion ser­vices, and atten­tion to the extra details, such as inside place­ment, air-ride sus­pen­sion and padded-van trans­porta­tion make us a favored sup­pli­er for:

  • Elec­tron­ics
  • Just-in-time deliv­ery for man­u­fac­tured parts
  • Fine arts and antiques

Distribution, FF&E Project Management

Pow­ell can take a piece of your project, the ware­hous­ing or the trans­porta­tion for example.
Or, we can man­age every aspect of your projects: the trans­porta­tion, ware­hous­ing, and final mile. Our seam­less rela­tion­ship with Atlas Logis­tics puts us in con­tact with over 1,000 onsite providers of final mile and instal­la­tion. We’ve han­dled the most spe­cif­ic project require­ments for onsite assem­bly, from restau­rant menu boards to elab­o­rate point of pur­chase dis­plays and spe­cif­ic fur­ni­ture set­ting instal­la­tions. Learn more about FF&E Project Management.

Satellite-tracked transportation, bar-coded tracking

Our fleets and ware­hous­es are equipped with satel­lite and bar-cod­ed inven­to­ry man­age­ment. We know the loca­tion of your freight at all times. Depend­ing which of our ser­vices you use, you can access the loca­tion 24/7 online.

Con­tact us to dis­cuss your dis­tri­b­u­tion needs at 800–444-6430